Our Healthy Body Program is designed specifically with you in mind. Whether you’re looking for an adjustment, searching for exercises that might be helpful for you, or desiring to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we have the resources to keep you on track.
Our Health Body Program is designed as a MAINTENANCE PROGRAM for your health, fitness and wellness. The program is not to be used for medically necessary services, which are health care services provided by our clinicians to evaluate, diagnose and/or treat an illness, injury, disease or its symptoms.
HBP is broken down into two parts. Part one is an evaluation, which can be completed by either our chiropractor or our physical therapists...its your choice! Expect a 30-60 minute evaluation tailored specifically to your goals and needs. Part two involves either a 30 minute massage and chiropractic adjustment, or a 30 minute exercise and/or dry needling session, both of which are based off your initial evaluation. Expect our clinicians to be specific with their treatment to help your maintain your healthy lifestyle and achieve your goals.
HBP is not limited to one session. An evaluation is good for one year, so you may partake in as many sessions as you would like over the course of the year. You may choose to have a 30 minute massage and chiropractic adjustment one week, and then a 30 minute exercise session the following week. Multiple services are permitted with each visit as well.
HBP is a self-pay service not generally covered by insurance.* Please call our office to hear our current rates and to schedule your evaluation.
*Our providers may deem it necessary that you require physical therapy or chiropractic services after an evaluation. Should this be the case, you may not be appropriate for the Healthy Body Program and payment for services would change. Please call our office with questions.