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Lateral Shifting After Low Back Injuries
Have you experienced low back pain at some point in your life? Was it one-sided, or did it feel like it was in the center of the back? Do...
Why #GetPT1st?
We've suggested that you #GetPT1st (click here for blog post), but you might be asking yourself why. Well, we've got three reasons for you!
Did you know that you don't need a referral to obtain physical therapy and/or chiropractic services? #GetPT1st *some insurances may...
Pelvic Floor Care
Are you familiar with the term pelvic floor? Well, the pelvic floor system is a group of muscles, ligaments and fascia that function as a...
The Lateral Subsystem
Have you ever wondered why it's generally more difficult to balance on a single leg when holding a weight on the opposite side of your...
Post-earthquake Recovery
Now that we are in the aftermath of the largest earthquake event here since 1964 and the aftershocks keep coming, we are all feeling...
December Events @ Healthwise
Mark those calendars!
Supine Hookly Pull Down/Row: Neutral Grip
Here's a new exercise for you to try, the supine hookly pull down/row with neutral grip: Try performing this exercise as follows: Ramp up...
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