Aquatic Therapy Programs available at Healthwise provide an alternative environment for rehabiliation that enhances physical improvements through the properties of water. Our aquatic therapy is provided in a private Swim Ex in ground therapy pool. This pool offers 7 foot depth for deep water therapy but also easily adjusts to accommodate floor boards that provide a pool of 4 foot depth. Aquatic Therapy offers a variety of benefits to your rehabilitation including improvements in: mobility, coordination, strength, endurance, balance and self-confidence in an environment that is safe from the effects of gravity.
Aquatic therapy differs from land-based therapy and provides a list of benefits including: unloading pressure on spine, decreasing weight on peripheral joints, decreasing pain and edema, improving tolerance with transition to land based exercise, strengthening, functional training, spinal stabilization, improving range of motion, decreasing muscle spasms, improving proprioception and balance, addressing multiple injuries at the same time, improving patient confidence and motivation.